The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, Review

Success means ability to reach wishes easily.

Sunday : Be silent, "see" world around you and start the day by tell yourself not to judge or grading anything.
(Pure consciusness has an unlimited creativity and possibility.)

Monday : Be "Rich", take decision to give something to anyone you meet today.
(We are naturally rich, no care how much or little bit money we have.)

Tuesday : Be the witness yourself for all the decision you take.
(Tomorrow is what you choose today.)

Wednesday : Be full accepting whatever circumstances,Now!. And handle it opened mind and creatively.
(What ever you are facing now is exactly what you need right now.)
(There is no any efforts for earth to rotate it axis, neither do birds to fly, grass to grow, fishes to swim,...)

Thursday : State your intentions or wishes before sleep.
(There is a fact that at quantum area, only Energy and information are exist. The difference of human body and a flower are the load of the information and Energy inside. so make a wish, wishing all the best.)

Friday : Be wary at presents, and find the freedom from Wisdom in uncertainty.
(In uncertainty wisdom, we are free from the past, from what we'd knew, which were the prison of the past conditions)

Saturday : Find it out, what the reason for your existance.
(There is an unique talent in you, and only you can express it.)
(or simply answer this, What is your 1 thing to do before die? )

I want to know the God's thought,... the rest just details.
Albert Einstein.

Have a Nice day!!


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